Sunday, 25 February 2007

Further weight to the cause of increasing Gecamines share in KCC JV

I have run a simulation of sources and uses of funds of the project with a value of assets transferred by Gecamines to KCC of 450 MUS$ figure and built provision for sensitivity to this value. Read further.

Wednesday, 21 February 2007

How to evaluate risk factors...

Other major copper projects in the world

Links to Tengefungurume in DRC, licensed to Phelps Dodge, in the Philippines, Where not to invest (country risks) and a link to Bear mining consultants have been added in the sources frame (left)...

Revised IRR calculations

IRR calulations have been modified to account for a line of DRC benefits that had been omitted by mistake, and for Co average price of 15$/lb Co average price 1952-2004 in constant 2005 US$ value.

Historical cobalt prices

Wednesday, 14 February 2007

Mon projet pour l'Afrique, par Ségolène Royal

Ce projet pour l'Afrique de Ségolène Royal, rejoint en bien des points les préoccupations de RAID sur le projet Katanga Mining Company et le transfert de ressources minières de Gecamines.

Wednesday, 7 February 2007

Global Witness report July 2006

Une corruption profonde: Fraude, abus et exploitation dans les mines de cuivre et de cobalt du Katanga.

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